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January 14, 2014



亚洲電視2015年特別廣告套餐,將你的商業信息同時傅播到香港,中國珠三角地區和美洲大陸,超值的優惠,使你的产品信息宣传國際化! 不要錯過此良機,到本月31曰止,有兴趣的朋友,请与我們聯系,了解详情,

ATV 2015 special advertising packages,  with this special rate, your business information will broadcast to Hong Kong; China's the Pearl River Delta region and the whole American continent. Therefore, your product information, your advertisement  campaigns go international. Do not miss this opportunity!!. This offers only last to 31 of January 2015.  Please contact us asap for details information. 



ATV 紐約快訊第122集:一年促進三千億成交額的“全球化工 橡胶行业的硅谷”的橡膠谷 ,和为青岛城市发展营造良好的国际舆论环境的青岛市政府侨办。

"ATV NY Express" #122,  as the platform of promotion of rubber trading, last year had achieved three hundred billion business volume. This Rubber Valley, as the "global chemical and rubber industry in Silicon Valley," the rubber Valley.

To create a favorable international public opinion environment for the development of Qingdao city. Qingdao Municipal Overseas Chinese Affairs Office has done a good job.

Here is the line to ATV NY Express coverage for this event: http://hkatvusa.com/programming/nyexpress.html




ATV 紐約快訊:

九月入学報名已經開始啦, 家有 2010 年出, 而又居住在紐約市兒童的家長應日到2月13日親自到所屬. 詳情請致電或京臨 華策會亞裔托兒諮詢轉介部,本部門亦擁有免費私立課後活動班及各類政府、私立托兒資料。家長們行動吧

ATV NY Express:

2015-2016 Public School Kindergarten (Kindergarten) September school enrollment has begun. any child born there in 2010 , and the parents of children living in New York City, from January 7to February 13th should in person to apply for their schools . Please call or come in person to CPC's Asian Child Care Resource & Referral program for free referral counseling service. The department also has a free private after-school classes and various government activities , private child care information . Parents, act now!!




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EMO America Productions Holding Corp.

EMO America Productions Holding Corporation
207 Canal Street, 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10013
Tel: 212-844-9542 Web: www.hkatvusa.com